Tom Scarda of The Franchise Academy sat down recently with our brand’s CEO and founder to discuss the brand’s journey from a small business into a nationally recognized consumer service franchise brand. It’s an entertaining story of true entrepreneurial drive and success.
The Two Maids & A Mop story is an American success tale comprised of multiple challenges that truly tested our founder’s resolve to keep fighting. It took Ron two years to make a profit and nearly three years to even earn a paycheck. Eventually, the Two Maids & A Mop story started to take a more profitable direction after the implementation of our now-famous Pay for Performance compensation plan. Ron remembers the first time he used this phrase to a potential customer.
“I can still recall that first call with a customer when I discussed our compensation plan. You could feel the energy level through the phone when the potential customer heard me discuss how customer feedback determines employee wages. It was at that moment where I could see the rest of my life unfolding in a much different light. Business skyrocketed immediately after the launch of the unique compensation plan and hasn’t really stopped since that fateful day”
Ron Holt CEO & founder
The Two Maids & A Mop business model has always been built on the gritty foundation of our brand’s twelve corporate locations prior to franchising the brand. Our early days of testing and experimentation continue to serve as the backbone to all of our franchisees located across the country today. Hear about all of those crazy, early days in this interview with franchising legend, Tom Scarda of the Franchise Academy Podcast.